Please join us for a darkly hued and sassy ROCKtober set at Bowery Electric, NYC

327 Bowery (Joey Ramone Place between 2nd and 3rd Street)

Featuring: Val Kinzler singing songs from her Resume collection including: Broken Ballerina/ The Junky Next Door/ Apocalyptic Vibe On The LES/ A Place Like This/ Dirty Blonde/ When I Die/ God Invented The Blues To Keep The Devil Happy and some other surprise (torturous) tunes for the (traumatically inclined!)

Kentucky Parkis will be swinging on her big bad bass and taking the spotlight to sing her song “High Society”

Welcoming the fabulous Tammi Johnson for the second round of Rock N’ Roll with us !

And special guest Roger Blanc on lead guitar!

Please message Val for guest passes and share our humble invitation with all your fiends……errrrrr…. friends, gouhls and boyzzzzz!
